• Life as a NEET: An Update

    My contract ended sooner than expected. It’s nothing dramatic, just that you know, non-profits and funding. I remember my dentist telling me to get the hell out of that job, fast! My talents and potential would be wasted, she said. Her keywords were “naku!” and “sayang!” Ah, although I am in this unfortunate predicament called unemployment (really depends on the…

  • ‘Di na ako galit | Not angry anymore

    It’s January and ‘di na ako galit. I often write here in generic terms, I’m feeling this and that but never quite detail why. Perhaps December was the time for me to try and pinpoint the turning points of my rage. Starting from November I was starting to feel that something inside me needed to change, it wasn’t something that…

  • In my angry era

    There are mornings when I wake up with overwhelming rage. It seems to come from a neglected part of myself—the unapologetic, not-so-nice girl that I’ve suppressed for far too long. It’s the version of me that doesn’t conform to societal expectations of goodness. Was I ever truly nice, or was it a facade? More than mere pretense, I think it…

  • The Demon at Your Door

    August is here and the garden remains unweeded. The hydrangeas that once brought me joy– one of the few things I looked forward to, would not be blooming this season. They were alive, yes, but my mother, armed with good intentions and a garden shear, cut them to the ground. They will come back next season, at least that I’m…