• Alone Time in Mid-July

    Yesterday, I was feeling quite zapped. It was a combination of prepping for a series of job interviews while going out six days within the week. I felt I needed some alone time to meander and really sit with the sadness that was bottling inside of me. I often say it’s hard to listen in on your intuition but it…

  • I went through my old Tumblr and…

    I’m glad I’m done through that kind of misery one only feels in their twenties. I was quite silly but I was also drowning. I would get a glimpse of my me-ness– the dorky, quirky, creative girl. But she was barely bobbing her head above the ocean of despair. Yes, there were plenty of moments where I was happy, I…

  • A Daily (Non) Ritual

    I’ve started reading a book called Daily Rituals, it chronicles different writers’ daily rituals for writing but I only read the women’s. Yesterday I took a walk at noon with my sister and niece, It was windy and overcast with a drizzle. My niece did not want to stop playing. She jumped on puddles and picked up sticks, pretended to…

  • The Muse strikes back

    In 2021 I was working in retail and while I enjoyed the work, I was starting to feel the itch of creativity. I ended up creating a candle brand, starting a Youtube and even had a Patreon. But that all dwindled towards the last quarter of the year because I went back to school for journalism. I was producing news…