• I went through my old Tumblr and…

    I’m glad I’m done through that kind of misery one only feels in their twenties. I was quite silly but I was also drowning. I would get a glimpse of my me-ness– the dorky, quirky, creative girl. But she was barely bobbing her head above the ocean of despair. Yes, there were plenty of moments where I was happy, I…

  • A Daily (Non) Ritual

    I’ve started reading a book called Daily Rituals, it chronicles different writers’ daily rituals for writing but I only read the women’s. Yesterday I took a walk at noon with my sister and niece, It was windy and overcast with a drizzle. My niece did not want to stop playing. She jumped on puddles and picked up sticks, pretended to…

  • The Muse strikes back

    In 2021 I was working in retail and while I enjoyed the work, I was starting to feel the itch of creativity. I ended up creating a candle brand, starting a Youtube and even had a Patreon. But that all dwindled towards the last quarter of the year because I went back to school for journalism. I was producing news…

  • ‘Di na ako galit | Not angry anymore

    It’s January and ‘di na ako galit. I often write here in generic terms, I’m feeling this and that but never quite detail why. Perhaps December was the time for me to try and pinpoint the turning points of my rage. Starting from November I was starting to feel that something inside me needed to change, it wasn’t something that…